

Northern (N): Hungary (NH). Annual Review for 1961


A file containing a report produced by Ivor Pink, the British ambassador to Hungary, on developments in Hungary during 1961. The report discusses Pink's view that 1961 was a "comparatively uneventful" year, with slow material and economic progress; the strengthening of the position of János Kádár, the Hungarian leader, who has succeeded in improving his personal popularity amongst the Hungarian people; and the Hungarian government's success in raising living and housing standards in Hungarian cities, and "bringing a semblance of normality to everyday life". The report also covers economic developments in Hungary; the publication of a new five-year plan; and the struggles faced by Hungarian agriculture during 1961, with the benefits promised following the completion of the collectivisation of Hungarian agriculture not yet forthcoming. The report further comments on developments in Hungarian international relations, including the state of relations between Hungary and Britain.
agriculture trade cuba united kingdom housing albania hungary united states of america north atlantic treaty organization (nato) civil aviation capital punishment cultural relations culture diplomatic relations economic planning exports imports industry international relations law politicians prisoners productivity public opinion religious persecution official visits united arab republic yugoslavia diplomatic representation church-state relations economic aid party organisation domestic politics religious leaders living standards legal reform judiciary food supplies arrests budapest british council economic policies secret police Anglo-Hungarian relations Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party János Kádár American-Hungarian relations Hungarian foreign policy Hungarian politics Roman Catholic Church Industry and Agriculture five-year plans Hungarian-Yugoslav relations Hungarian government Egyptian-Hungarian relations collectivisation de-Stalinization Albanian-Hungarian relations Cuban-Hungarian relations Ivor Pink
Collection ID
Albania Cuba United Arab Republic United Kingdom United States of America Yugoslavia
Department Reference
File 1011
Document Type
File Reference
FO 371/166021
Persons Discussed
Ivor Pink János Kádár
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Industry and Agriculture International Relations

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