

Northern (N): Hungary (NH). UK Foreign Compensation (Hungary) Order 1958


A file of correspondence and legal material on Hungarian compensation payments. The Hungarian government had agreed to pay £4.05 million in compensation for British property and debts in Hungary which were nationalised or otherwise lost during and after the Second World War. The file discusses the drafting of the Foreign Compensation (Hungary) Order, which set out the terms under which claims were to be filed and payments made. Specific problems included the eligibility of "German princelings" who technically held British nationality under the terms of a 1705 law naturalising the Hanoverian dynasty and its descendants; the meaning of the term "bond", which differed in the United Kingdom and on the continent; and the status of claims based on the Danube-Save-Adriatique Railway Company. The file also contains a Parliamentary Question asking why the distribution order had still not been passed twenty months after the Hungarian government agreed to pay compensation.
united kingdom insurance hungary banking bonds compensation international relations law loans nationality nationalisation pensions railways private property economics and trade royalty british government Anglo-Hungarian relations financial claims against foreign countries British parliament Foreign Compensation Commission Hungarian government British Commonwealth
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
Code NH file 1481 (pp 13 to 24)
Document Type
Correspondence Legal and Treaty Material
File Reference
FO 371/134901
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Economics and Trade International Relations

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