

Northern (N): Romania (NR). Economic Planning in Roumania


A file of correspondence, reports, and legal material on the Romanian economy. The file reports changes to Romanian laws involving the payment of workers' basic wages from a state fund rather than from individual enterprises; a reduction in charges for the use of farmers' markets; and the exemption of wool from state delivery quotas. The file also discusses the Romanian Statistical Yearbook for 1957, which indicated that many of the targets for the 1951–55 five-year plan had been missed; that oil production, though increasing, was falling behind that of other oil-exporting nations; and that light industry and consumer goods had been neglected in favour of heavy industry. The file also contains the impressions of a British civil servant on her journey through Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria; and notes that as she was seconded to the United Nations she could not give advance copies of her reports to British diplomats.
agriculture united kingdom coal mining taxation bulgaria poland united nations consumer goods economic planning factories industry livestock transportation productivity romania statistics wages working conditions oil domestic politics economics and trade quotas living standards food supplies intelligence gathering economic policies retail prices collective farms Romanian press Romanian government five-year plans
Collection ID
Bulgaria Poland United Kingdom
Department Reference
Code NR file 1102
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Legal and Treaty Material
File Reference
FO 371/128917
Documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958, but put back in place on August 5, 1999.
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Economics and Trade Domestic Politics

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