

Central (C): General (C). Political Exchanges Leading Towards Four-Power Talks on the Future of Germany

30 Jul 1953

A file containing correspondence, Parliamentary Questions and reports about German reunification and four-power talks. The file contains a letter from president Eisenhower to Konrad Adenauer, the German chancellor, and discussions about this correspondence; Parliamentary Questions relating to the British position on four-power talks; the talks' venue; West German policy toward reunification; the Soviet response to the invitation to the talks, and three-power reactions to that response; discussion of Adenauer's actions with regard to the talks, neglect of the Allied High Commission, and American policy in dealing directly with him; Pravda and other press comments on German reunification and rearmament; German government and press reaction to the Soviet response; United States State Department thoughts on the Soviet response; correspondence involving Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, about responses to the talks; discussion of the timing of responses and how the reply would be drafted; and possible NATO involvement in the reply.
elections france united states of america united nations north atlantic treaty organization (nato) alliances austria borders colonies international relations politicians riots telecommunications soviet union rearmament east germany international organisations dwight d. eisenhower diplomatic missions winston churchill international conferences reunification of Germany American-West German relations European Defence Community (EDC) multilateral talks Konrad Adenauer Germany (East and West) Georges Bidault Uprising of 1953 in East Germany Lord Salisbury
Collection ID
Austria East Germany France Soviet Union United States of America
Department Reference
Code C files 1071/155-1071/179G
Document Type
Correspondence Reports Parliamentary and Official Government Material
File Reference
FO 371/103670
Key Events
Uprising of 1953 in East Germany
Persons Discussed
Dwight D. Eisenhower Georges Bidault Konrad Adenauer Lord Salisbury Winston Churchill
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Germany (East and West)
International Relations

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